1. Introduction
If you search the keyphrase “what is future of website” on Google, this answer will come up: "Most website designers will lose their jobs because of automatation. That's user experience, user interface and customer experience designers. The future of websites is for the users, like it should have been from the start." This is an objective and inevitable trend. Building websites will be done mostly by automatic tools and based on the inheritance of the interface as well as user experience, which have developed over the 40-year history of the formation and development of website types. This is the objective reason which made us decide to implement this project, and the subjective one will be presented below.
WeebPal Corp came into operation since April 2014, specializing in building themes and implementing website projects and web applications for customers and partners all over the world. After 7 years of establishment and operation, along with 12 years of working in the outsourcing and web product field for numerous companies, we have completed over 100 projects from big to small and created a collection with more than 100 themes, which are used by thousands of users and millions of people who have visited our website. We have come up with the conclusion that web development process often follows these steps:
1st generation of website development: building websites based on pure programming languages. Using any basic programming language such as PHP, C#, Java, Python, NodeJS, developers can directly code to create websites or build their own databases, interact with these databases and program on their own to meet all the requirements of a website.
2nd generation of website development: building websites based on frameworks. In essence, after completing many projects, developers have learnt that many functions are used a lot of times such as general functions, connect db functions, algorithm functions, …Knowing this, many organizations started building the library of functions and provide a full set of tools which help developers build a complete website faster and without having to redo the basic steps repeatedly. The result of this process is assigned the name “framework”. Some of the more famous frameworks on PHP such as Zend, Yii, Cake, CodeIgnitor, Symfony, Laravel, ... Framework have led to the existence of an open market of interface built on HTML foundation. However, this is not yet popular because only developers can use these templates.
3rd generation of website development: building website on different lines of CMSs. After creating many websites and web applications, developers have learnt that there are many similar features in almost every system: account handling, decentralization, information management, menu management, webpage content management, … Knowing this, organizations decided to build integrated systems with those integrated features, which are given the name “Content Management System” (CMS). Some of the more famous CMSs on PHP include WordPress, Joomla, Drupal, … CMS also led to a template market in a more advanced form compared to the 2nd generation, meaning themes. Themes are sets of interfaces provided on a certain CMS to ensure that a complete website built on that CMS has a beautiful presentation. The theme market appeared during this period and flourished, being a place for many small companies and freelance developers to have their own products. Themesfores.net is the outstanding representative of such theme market.
4th generation of website development: Automatically building websites based on the inheritance of user interface library, CMSs, or similar platforms. After a very long period of development, developers have learnt that many functions can totally be built automatically and doesn’t need to be done manually over and over again. The advent of strong platforms such as wix, square space, shopify or the lines of builders built on wordpress have shaped this generation of web. However, the limitation of this generation of products is that they solely focus on immediately having a website, bringing it to users as the final result. Developers don't have enough flexibility to solved many more requirements of businesses, he can only do what the platform provided.
5th generation of website development: The two key parameters for this generation are AI (for which features can be automatically created) and extendable (for which features cannot be automated or cannot be automated yet and must be handled by developers). This means the AI Engine will generate the websites satisfying a moderate level of requirements from users first, the generated website is standard and basically the same as what a normal developer whould create. From that it can then easily be customized, developed or upgraded by developers and professional development companies to solve more complex features.
During all of the periods, the roles of developers and development companies have not changed. It simply means that they will gradually no longer do simple things over and over again. These simple tasks will be better supported by automated tools. Developers, on the other hand, are those who only need to solve complex requirements of users, which cannot be done or cannot be done yet by support tools.
After years of creating many products and implementing numerous projects for the theme market of CMS and web projects for various partners over the world, we decided to build our own tool, which can help our company to enter a new phase in the supply chain of software, website and web application’s user experience in a worldwide market. This product is a tool which helps us save a lot of time when building the basic steps in web application development and thereby make it possible for us to continue designing more complex functions required by customers. With this feature, such a system is also able to provide a fast and automatic website building solution for everyone using a popular, robust, scalable CMS platform - Drupal 8+.
2. Hypotheses about the market
Our products are based on hypotheses about the market and segments of websites/web application:
Group 1: about 0.01% of websites
- Typical examples: google.com, facebook.com, twitter.com, amazon.com, alibaba.com, airbnb.com, uber.com, government systems, …
- Characteristics: The website is just an external display. Inside it is a huge ecosystem. These companies have their own teams of talented developers to help them solve their own problems.
- Budget: Unlimited
Group 2: about 2% of websites:
- Typical examples: boeing.com, airbus.com, toyota.com, web systems of leading companies which don’t specialize in technology, web systems of the governments.
- Characteristics: These are very large websites in the world which were built within the limit of a large budget. They were being set up for a long time with a lot of integration from ERP, CRM, process, … These are the internal ecosystems of big corporations.
- Budget: Very large, with tens of millions of dollars or more.
Group 3: about 8% of websites
- Characteristic: These are large websites which needed to be set up by professional development companies
- Budget: hundreds of thousands of dollars to millions of dollars
Group 4: About 20% of websites
- Characteristic: These are popular websites and can be created by freelance developers or professional development companies.
- Budget: various sizes, from hundreds of dollars to hundreds of thousands of dollars
Group 5: This makes up about the remaining 70% of websites:
- Characteristics: Satisfy the basic needs of all individuals or small companies, which want to post their information on the Internet. They worry about: how much, how fast, how convenient, how satisfied, how effective, ... to have a website. What they need is general and simple. However, if someone can build the first website for them, they will understand what they need and easily want to do more to have a bigger, more complex website/application. And these are the main factors which caused us to build our own product.
- Budget: Don't have big budget and not willing to pay hundreds or thousands of USD to have a website for the first time.
3. Product characteristics
The goal of this project is to have an AI website builder system has the requirements of the 5th generation of website development with these following features:
Feature 1: AI Engine create complete websites for group 5 according to customers’ requirements, with only some multiple choice questions andbased on our experiences and libraries accumulated over the course of website development history
Feature 2: Users can use the website editing tools to customize the website just created automatically by AI Engine in Feature 1, and the support of the unique defined website components, items and contents.
Feature 3: The created website and the edited website from Feature 1 and Feature 2 are built on the standardized, Drupal 8 platform. Customers can continue asking any developer or development company to add and expand the required functions directly without redoing everything from scratch.
4. Project benefits
Within the WeebPal company: Each year our company creates 10 to 20 themes and a similar number of website construction projects. This system will help us save 100 - 150 working hours per project, which in turn brings us the benefit of cutting 3000 hours of costs for all projects every year. It also helps our company to enter a new phase in the supply chain of website and web application’s development in the worldwide market.
For customers who are end users/non technical: We will provide an open service to allow customers to use this system to create their own websites. But that's not all. Anywhen user needs any advanced requirements, they can ask developers or development companies to continue working on current generated website. And that's also the next purpose.
For customers who are developers or web development companies: We can provide services for both developers and development companies, who are similar to us, in order to help them save a lot of time in initiating and building websites and web applications for customers at a simple level. Then, this group can continue building larger systems depending on their customers’ needs.
5. Project master plan:
Milestone 1: Internal project feasibility checklist
- Hardcode, functions
- Verify technical solutions
- Duration: 3 months
- Month of completion: 11/2018
- Status: Completed
Milestone 2: Alpha release
- Simple UI/UX, no drag&drop
- Sample content lib
- Simple style lib
- Simple AI Engine (ANI Engine)
- Simple system model (Digital Ocean)
- Can build a full website with UI actions
- Duration: 6 months
- Completion plan: 6/2019
- Release date: 7/7/2019
- Status: Finishing
- Goal: share the system to the partners, purchased customers using WeebPal themes
Milestone 3: Beta release
- Good UI/UX, drag & drop, Wysiwyg website
- Full content lib
- Full style lib
- Completed AI Engine (ANI Engine)
- User-based system model
- Can build a full website with simple selections and drag & drop actions
- Deal with a cloud/hosting services (Digital Ocean/Vultr/Linode)
- Duration: 6 months
- Completion date: 12/2019
- Goal: Open to any visitors, customers, start doing PR & Marketing
Milestone 4: Stable stage
- Improved UI/UX
- Improved content lib
- Improved style lib
- Improved AI Engine (ANI Engine)
- PR & Marketing jobs
- Duration: 6 months
- Completion date: 6/2020
- Goal: Can prove the value to hundreds of partners and thousands of websites using this system.
Milestone 5: AI improvement stage
- Improved UI/UX
- Improved content lib
- Improved style lib
- Improved AI Engine (AGI Engine based on the training data is the number of websites using this system)
- PR & Marketing jobs
- Duration: 2 years starting from 7/2020
- Goal: A success business as a popular platform for the 5th generation of website development.
Please subscribe us at http://sibu.ai/subscribe to have free account to use this system in end of June 2019. We're also willing to partner with any people who are interested in this system to go further, please leave email to contact@weebpal.com for more information.